Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection

Now I have F's with rotten surrounds, but rest look nice, perfect even. Cones, spiders look great. 

One surround is done, decimated.  Other is intact, perhaps replacement as is not identical. 

Perhaps I try replacing surround? 
Any new and improved surround options? Willing to replace/ get repaired more, if necessary.  

Cursory search doesn't reveal any drop in replacement.  Or, am I wrong? I see the Ohm return/upgrade to newer version options. 

Experienced and insider opinions sought. I'm not cheap, and I'll spend the money to obtain the exceptional if needed. So, what are the likely and less likely options   TIA
What is that one "clone", HHR? Need to check...  i heard it at a show years ago. 
22 hours of driving, 1,370 miles, and total for project, including travel costs, of $400. DONE! 

Speakers are warming up (slightly; they were in car cabin, of course), and will be assembled tonight. Perhaps a first run this evening, too. We'll see. The hard work is over, now it's RELAX TIME!  :)

Now for the vintage Ohm community, a question; I have heard the joke re: 200/300 wpc wakes them up, and 301wpc blows them up. Ok. I have a super-clean class D that puts out 600wpc into 8 ohms and 1KWatt into 4 Ohms. Is this inherently a problem for these speakers, or only� relatively a problem, i.e. temptation to play them too aggressively? I see mapman is using plenty of clean power. 

I wonder if it was coincidence; my pair of Ohm Walsh Model F were the only ones at the repair facility when I dropped them off. Today, when I picked them up, mine was one of four pair! They had never seen such a thing with that speaker. Perhaps our enjoyable brainstorming is motivating some owners? Or, just a freakish occurrence, which is certainly not beyond probability bounds. 
Douglas John Strohbeen has stated in interviews the issues with driving Fs well without damage and maintaining them properly is supposedly the reason why the design was dropped. Not practically supportable.
I think with any amp you just want to be very careful.
It’s the CLS design driver that replaced the original Walsh driver that resolved that issue. Every CLS Ohm I have owned will take whatever you throw at them and deliver effortlessly. I have never heard or owned original Fs. Mine are newer CLS design on refurbed F cabinets. Totally different. So I can only repeat what I have read there. Ferrofluid was introduced into the F design as I understand it to help address that issue as well. Clipping is never good either hence the challenge. I would try a higher power amp like a Class D for more bang for the buck if needed . But be careful.
First listen sublime; it was a good call and project that will yield much enjoyment. 
Congratulations on bringing the speakers back to life! Did you mention where you ultimately got them serviced?