Comments on Magnum Dynalab MD-205 Signal Sleuth

I recently purchased the Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver and the Fanfare FM-2G Whip FM Antenna and am having problems receiving some FM stations. I have moved my Fanfare FM-2G Antenna located behind my stereo system around a little and it is working better. Would the Magnum Dynalab MD-205 Signal Sleuth improve my FM reception?

I have someone coming over next week to determine if I can place the Fanfare whip antenna in my attic space for better reception. The problem is I have a large attic space behind my stereo system BUT cannot easily get the wire down the wall to connect to the Receiver. One Contractor told me the fire breaks in the wall prevent him from dropping the wire down the wall. I hope this works but I have my doubts. I know an outside FM Antenna is the best but I am not able to put an antenna on my roof. Thanks..
No. The Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver is part of my 2nd system and it is NOT replacing my McIntosh MA6900 ampliifer. This system also includes the Meridian 508.24 CD player and ProAc 2.5 Speakers. The Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver took about a week+ before it started to sound good. IThe unit is still breaking in but the sound has greatly improved and I like it. Thanks..
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Don't discount what a $3.00 dipole can possibly do also. With a little moving around, you might be surprised how effective they can be.