New Synergistic Research Record Mat

  Just wondering if anyone has tried the new Synergistic Research record mat and if so what your impressions were sound wise.
I am guilty of not reading your citation.  I did goof in a way by saying that the piezoelectric effect in a crystal results in release of RFI; it is the release of electric charge by a crystal under pressure, or applied mechanical stress. I apologize for that error.  But it's only a small boo-boo because the electrical energy released by a piezo material can be of very high frequency, e.g., up to 1 MHz. That's RFI territory.  I wrote not one word about EMI, by the way.
I like that paper from 2016.  That would support the utility of a crystal in this application. 
The tech does open the door for a wide range of possibilities, when it comes to electrodynamics.    Given radio frequencies are part of the EM spectrum; I tend to lump them together.      Perhaps: not that good an idea, when it comes to clarity.                                                              Happy holidays and listening!
Why would you put a goofy Crystal on top of a cartridge when you can buy actual verifiable RF absorbing material inexpensively. You know something that would actually work and do something. Whether it improves the sound or not I have no idea probably not but at least it would do what it claims.

Similar to how it would only take perhaps pennies maybe a dime or two to create enough conductivity in the turntable mat to eliminate any static electricity. I can go and buy plastic bags that are impregnated and anti-static for literally pennies. This isn't rocket science. And that uef treatment applied to a turntable mat? Really how gullible are you.

I've never taken cyanide but I know it will kill me. I've never jumped off a building but I know it will hurt and again probably kill me. There are lots of things I've never done but I'm 100% confident in the result if I do it. Physics doesn't magically change for audiophile products.
Oh, and as someone pointed out above, the mat does not even appear to have an indent where the label goes on the record. That means your record is not going to sit nice and flat. Talk about your major design fails. People figure that one out in the 70s and the '80s.