Phono stage or pre Amp? which is most important.

I've just got back into vinyl after many years of digital music listening. Bought my myself a cheap turntable(Linn Basik, Akito arm, AT 95e Cartridge) and a project phonobox e phono stage. Just wondering how important the phono stage is compared to the amps it's going into. I know the project is only a £50 box so just wondering what next step up would be. My pre is a NAC 202 with NAPSC, Power is NAP 200, speakers CM6 s2. Is the Naim Stageline worth the money or is there a more budget friendly step up.
The Parasound Z-phono is a real killer in the lower price level. Also there are some vintage preamps that are known for having an exceptional phono stage. One of them is the Adcom GFP 565. Quite a performer at it's price point but with no digital inputs if that's an issue.
I think both.  If the preamp is not resolving enough, the resolution of the phono stage will not make its way through.  I upgraded a few years ago from a AyreK5xe MP Preamp to a Jeff Rowland Criterion and the sonic improvement was staggering.  I just upgraded my phono stage from an Asthetix Rhea to an Allnic H3000 and, once again, the improvement is staggering.  I wouldn't hear the improvement that I do from the Allnic through the Ayre.  
My Croft pre-amp is excellent and has an excellent phono stage built in .
Mr, Croft makes every one himself and everything is all hard wired and 5 12AX tubed .
2300 $ . I’ve only seen 1 on here in years . 2 years on here I got
a mint 2 year old trade-in from a dealer for $1400.He wanted 1700$.

Best pre out of the forty or so ones I’ve had in 40 years.
Only one close was the Eastern Electric Avant .
Thelad, do you think you may upgrade the table sometime in the future? If so a quality phono would make sense. 
If not perhaps a better cart would be in order first.

Elliottbnewcombjr's comments are well worth following.