Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Take a deep breath, be open, be inquisitive, hold a modest amount of skepticism with unproven assertions, be careful opening your wallet, but also question current scientific tenets and limits because life is full of experiences that are valid yet unexplainable. Many, many respected audio designers and manufacturers willingly admit that science gets an idea part of the way to reality and then listening and tweaks beyond current logic fine tune many of the finest products we love to listen to. Science, alchemy, dumb luck, and art are all relevant. Don’t kid yourself. Don’t be so rigid, to think you can no more prove than disprove. If you believe your brain and your ears can be tricked, this cuts both ways. I am more then willing to give up a portion of my fortune to be continually tricked into being so caught up in a musical performance out of my HiFi that I momentarily quit thinking about the gear and all the crap and politics coming from folks that are so full of shiit that they feel the need to defecate all over the rest of us who are just enjoying our selves. And bye the way, on my kit and with my ears, I hear warm up, burn in, settling, and all kinds of other seemingly psychedelic phenomena. Everything counts. Everything is in play. Happy Listening! [|;^)>
By jhills:  "My advice: If you bought a $5K amp and it doesn't sound good with the cord it came with, but you think supplying it with a $5K power cord will make it sound great - save your $5K and buy an amp. that has a decent power supply and sounds great with the cord it comes with....Jim."

I have to say, this is the most lucid summary on this topic.  Well stated.  

I'd like to add: buy a better amp for the difference in money when that difference is greater than 15% of the cost of the device itself, if you feel the compulsion to upgrade.  I sunk my money into the cost of the devices.  I also second:  power supply to support circuit topology and build quality.  
Power supply...POWER SUPPLY...((((POWER SUPPLY)))) - in short: Transformers. Think Peter Dahl.

Then, capacitors, quality (tolerance) of resistors and adherence to tolerance in support of the circuit topology of your choice in class of service; i.e., Class A —> Class D and SS v Tubes.

Money is best spent there. If you have accomplished that, then by all means buy a $5👀K Power Cord. You might hear a difference and assuage your expenditure on wire. 👍🏿

"What are non audiophiles doing on an audiophile site?"
Why trolling of course!
"What are non audiophiles doing on an audiophile site?"
Why trolling of course!
Actually a true, intelligent "audiophile" is more likely to call BS on snake oil tweaks than one who THINKS of himself as an audiophile.