subs for Sonus Faber Cremona M floor standing

My system includes Mac C2300, MC2102. I have it narrowed to the JL F113, Rel or SVS. I am looking to integrate it to the system... Not for the boom boom boom. This system is 2 channel for audio not home theatre. As the SF are amazing I just want to bring a little more low end back into the system. I was running Klipschorns biamped before this so I am missing the walls shaking ;)
There is really no better subwoofer to use for music than a REL. If you argue this, you do not know subwoofers. A JL Audio is great in a car or a home theater. I have a pair of Cremona towers and a pair of REL Storm III subs.
Audiofreak32, your purely subjective (and I'm guessing ownership biased) opinion of the REL's is really a bit too much. There are many fine subs out there. You alone are not the keeper of the arkane "secret knowledge" of subwoofer excellence. There are thousands of people out there who have chosen JL, Velodyne,Revel,etc,etc with very good reason- they are excellent. So is REL. Lots of people "know subwoofers" and not all buy REL. Rant over.
Spinaker01..Dont bother with that guy.Hes on this site cheerleading for Sonus faber,Linn and spouting pure stupid nonsense about stuff obviously he knows very little about...A total wannabe.
I have owned JL, Velodyne, Dynaudio, B&W and ML subs. My current sub I won't replace - REL Britainnia 1 (B1).
REL makes the best "musical" subs, period. And they sound great with SF speakers. NEVER cross over your main speakers through a subwoofer.