What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
My Sansui AU 7700 recap is so great that i bought another Sansui supposed to be better in the alpha series.... theorically better in refinement and it was.... But i go on mainly with my so sweet, ,more colored, and "less refined" Au7700.... The 2 Sansui are marvels...The Au is not less refine in fact it was only in a different color scale....It make all music natural.....

Not sure if this is " best ", but Edge ( now Maker Audio ) NL Reference mono blocks, through a pair of MBLs. It was so beautiful listening to Santana’s Europa, I cried.

Audio Research 100.2. That is a really nice amp.

i agree 100% .... 100.2 by arc one of the nicest ss amps ever - voiced warm yet transparent and w/ iron grip when needed - voiced to sound right by the definitive tube amp maker

i have had mine since new, others come and go... this one stays...
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