Dedicated line questions...

Did a search, but can’t come up with a good answer. I am considering the install of a dedicated line. The general consensus is a 20amp circuit. How does this rectify with a full system designed around 15amp components/cords. I already have PS audio receptacles, and have upgraded/cleaned up all the other outlets on the current circuit, but it is still noisy. Would installing a 20amp circuit require a refit of gear or just 15-20 amp power cords? I don’t run big mono’s and really only need one line. Would a dedicated 15 suffice?  Yeah, fairly clueless in this realm.
One last thought regarding my motivation for 3 lines. I had a switching supply for my minidsp subwoofer crossover. When I unplugged it from the front end circuit I could tell it was injecting some jaw clenching distortion so I moved it over to a standard outlet/circuit. The next time I flipped the dining room light I heard it in the stereo just as I had before installing the isolated circuit. Bridging those circuits even through an ancillary power supply killed the isolation. Just something to keep in mind...
@cal3713 I'd be interested to know if you still have the same noise if you use an iFi power supply
Your 4 lights, 11 outlets is only a little worse than I had. Compared to that one direct line will be noticeably better. If your system is good at all you will hear it. This isn't expensive at all. One 20A breaker, one outlet, however much wire you need. Half the cost will be a Synergistic Blue or Orange outlet, if you decide to go that route. Which I would. Or you can go the Full Monty like me and hard wire right into the conditioner. See that cable coming out of the wall? 😁😁
@erik_squires I do have a 5v ifi ww for a toslink to spdif converter I don't use anymore, I'll let you know if I find the occasion to test it.
I think I need to add a ground lift isolator to my cable line... any recommendations for that?