You hit the nail on the head: arrogance. Rude, presumptive, ignorant and stubborn arrogance. Each adjective carefully chosen for accuracy. Rude: they butt in where no one wants to hear their blather yet again. Presumptive, they presume to tell us what we hear. Arrogant, what could be more arrogant than to tell another individual that YOU know what THEY can do. Ignorant, because virtually every single time they haven't tried and so literally do not know what they're talking about. And stubborn, because they keep at it no matter how many times or how clearly its explained they are full of it.
You can see I've been around and have seen it replay over and over again like Groundhog Day without the humor. They just die over and over again, only never ever do they learn anything, and in the end they for sure don't get the girl. I just thought it worth pointing out that even a new guy with 7 posts can see clearly just what is wrong with them. Why they can't see it, that is the question.