Do speaker wires matter

I recently was given a pair of Mirage M1 speakers. All highs, mids and lows work but I don’t believe they sound like they should.

The tweeters are not giving the detailed highs. I am not sure if the mids and lows are where they should be.

i am currently using a vintage 2226b Marantz I just had restored. Impedance is 8 ohms and it only puts out 26 wpc. I know these speakers require A much more powerful amp. I’ve done a little research on this.

im wondering if the speakers could not sound as good because of the Marantz and/or also because of the speaker wires I’m currently using. I don’t know what gauge they are. They were given to me as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

i did also find a Mirage technician in Canada who still repairs them if I’ll have to take that route. No turning back now 😊
@chilli42, there is no difference in sound of a 3 foot pair of speaker cables to a 9 foot pair of the same cables.  If you think otherwise, it is a myth. 
@stereo5 , not true if your speakers are 6 feet away 😉

OP, you should try that other amp you have.  Its free and would take less than an hour to try.
I would bet more on buying a decent amp and decent speakers.  I am sure speaker wire can make a slight difference, but how much do you spend is another question.  I would think speaker wire under $1,000 would be sufficient.
If you had said the wires were 30 feet long, I’d say, look for wire with relatively low inductance. (High inductance will cause a rolloff of high frequencies and may interact with the speaker and/or amp.) It’s doesn’t have to be expensive -- the Belden wires sold by Blue Jeans Cable measure well in that regard (and others).