tim, no doubt we can work together as soldiers . God Bless Gen . Currie , Canada has the best battle record in both WW1 and WW II .
I listen almost every night to the CBC "National" .Often they have as much news about the States as they do Canada.
I live in the Twin Cities of Minnesota which is the most major US city
like Canada . When I fly up to Winnipeg very little change .
MN borders both Manitoba and Ontario. In the ten years I have lived
here I have NEVER heard one word about Canada on TV or radio.
15 years in Vermont , 125 mile drive to Montreal and Ottawa , ditto.Not cool.
Was going to do a bucket trip to Regina this summer. Only Province Capital I have never been in. Boo-Hoo on that.
I listen almost every night to the CBC "National" .Often they have as much news about the States as they do Canada.
I live in the Twin Cities of Minnesota which is the most major US city
like Canada . When I fly up to Winnipeg very little change .
MN borders both Manitoba and Ontario. In the ten years I have lived
here I have NEVER heard one word about Canada on TV or radio.
15 years in Vermont , 125 mile drive to Montreal and Ottawa , ditto.Not cool.
Was going to do a bucket trip to Regina this summer. Only Province Capital I have never been in. Boo-Hoo on that.