Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS

Well the e-bay USPS shipping has fallen apart, and the e-bay Fed-Ex is not much better......A 4000.00 CD player missing for 20 days by USPS, A box of 50 fuses , says delivered , but nobody knows where ???..........2 cartridges and a headshell...delivered today, but nobody knows where ??........You put a tracking number in Fed-Ex all it says is late delivery, and never tells where it is.....So be careful with Christmas Presents..........The only way I can track USPS is go to the Post Office ans have them track it, if I track it all it says is late arrival......
timkr- my police pension (Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund) is required by Ohio law to fund future pension liability out to 30 years, you are wrong in your assertion, there are many pension funds subject to this requirement and I’m sure Ohio is not exclusive in that requirement.  We also contribute nearly half of the funds, the city contributes the rest.  THAT may be where a difference lies, I don’t know how the postal workers pension is funded.
tim, no doubt we can work together as soldiers . God Bless Gen . Currie , Canada has the best battle record in both WW1 and WW II .

I listen almost every night to the CBC "National" .Often they have as much news about the States as they do Canada.
I live in the Twin Cities of Minnesota which is the most major US city
like Canada . When I fly up to Winnipeg very little change .

MN borders both Manitoba and Ontario. In the ten years I have lived
here I have NEVER heard one word about Canada on TV or radio.
15 years in Vermont , 125 mile drive to Montreal and Ottawa , ditto.Not cool.

Was going to do a bucket trip to Regina this summer. Only Province Capital I have never been in. Boo-Hoo on that.
I think that what you want is experienced help. The union part I think best be left out. During college I worked for the USPS and some of your experiences with union employees must differ greatly from mine. 

Schubert please explain to me how one would measure the battle record of a country.
Forgot to add that in my experience UPS is by far the worst carrier. Damage common and dont like to pay claims. Use FedEx for components and USPS for my vacuum tubes. 
VERY simple , there are thousands of people called Military Historians
who write thousands of books about wars that have all the records ; In WW I the Canadian divisions had broken the German divisions holding their last massive defenses and they could fight no more. The French, British , Americans could not  break them.The war ended in two days.
The British General in Charge of all the British Army , which included the Canadians at that time, had been using them as the fire brigade
up and down hundreds of miles and they did when others could not for 2 years.

In WW ll, the Canadians hit the beach on D-day and got farther in than anyone else.Towards the end of the war Germans had 28 of their best divisions in the Netherlands and they had all the food in that country and huge amounts of ammo of every kind with fresh troops. Dutch were dying of hunger.Churchill said I have to get my best troops in battle, so he threw in the Canadians which he said were the best troops in the world .
I myself have seen Canadians in a up-scale restaurant in Amsterdam with a large bill being told by the owner that no Canadian gets a bill in my place.
To this day the Dutch send a million tulip bulbs to Ottawa for free every year .A real sight in the spring .
All this and a zillion more all in the state records of all developed countries .

To really answer your question , like anything else you work at it .