It’s called expectation bias. I saw a good friend show himself up in front of a room full of guys comparing his £6000 mains cable Vs a £3.50 kettle lead.I've experienced utter dismay on the part of cable salesmen when I've proven to them their product doesn't deliver. I've also been pleasantly surprised by actual improvements with very expensive, high end cables, but those experiences are rare and only happen when the entire system is thought out. I've also experienced expensive cables work well with certain components while sounding like total trash with others. Some products simply sound better with the manufacturer supplied leads - they engineered it that way after all.
The lad doing the switching had double bluffed. My mate was claiming “night & day, you’re all deaf”. Embarrassing
It's possible your friend has heard such an improvement with this particular cable in his own system that he never bothered to consider it may not always provide such an improvement when used in a different scenario - and I wouldn't be surprised if it could very well sound/perform worse.
Too many of the high end power cables have issues connecting to mains supplies properly (I'm speaking of a proper grip with the connectors on the outlet itself) that it's pointless to upgrade the cable if you don't also upgrade the mains outlet to a receptacle that can support the type of "hospital grade" connectors many of those cables feature.
At the end of the day the guys who typically spend a lot on cables have either already maxed their respective budget with the rest of their system components and are having a bit of fun, are trying to compensate for a flaw present within the system because it wasn't set up properly to begin with, or have had an experience with someone who can properly demonstrate, implement, and prescribe the correct cable pairing for the application. The last is quite possibly a unicorn in this hobby!