Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
Gday George, not sure why, but what you said about different types of metals reacting, seems to make sense.. Dont know why. 
Vegemite is also good on Salada Biscuits.. 
Cheers Ricey
Vegemite is also good on Salada Biscuits..
Yes but you feel like a cockatoo eating them. Toast is for me.

not sure why, but what you said about different types of metals reacting, seems to make sense.. Dont know why.
Google dissimilar metals with current running through them, especially if in damp salty air environments, should have learnt about this in school science??

Cheers George
Gotta love the fairy tales that Georgie thinks up: makers of fuses taking into consideration that some dolt is going to play their stereo at the salt water’s edge so they devised poorly conductive metals to circumvent said conditions.

All the best,

Gday, Ive decided to go with a ceramic fuse, with nickel plated brass ends. They only cost about $6.75
I will also treat with Deoxit....
Cheers Andrew. 
Gotta love the fairy tales
that "fusers" make up, and have no idea about electronics, or science.

ricey OP6 posts
Gday, Ive decided to go with a ceramic fuse, with nickel plated brass ends. They only cost about $6.75
Good quality fuse ricey, just don’t get sucked into the $150+ fuse BS that "fusers" waffle on about here, especially directional ac fuses, just "snake oil".

Cheers George