VPI Classic Setup By Brian Walsh

Hello Everyone, 

Just wanted to give a quick review of my experience with Brian's professional setup. In a nutshell highly recommended.  Thought I had my Classic setup pretty well as I spent at least 3 hours and I have to say it was fun.  My 1st setup by myself.  However, after thinking about how much is invested why not take it a step further and let a professional dial it in.  I have to admit I was amazed at the difference.  Once the tonearm hit the record an immediate improvement was heard.  The obvious difference was the overall balance and decay. Each instrument was noticeably more evident and overall clarity much improved.   I won't go into a lot of audio mumbo jumbo but bottom line Brian's tools and software are a no brainer. He provides each measurement such as azimuth, system resonance and crosstalk just to name a few via charts and graphs with his software. Afterwards the results are emailed.  In closure highly recommended and Brian will not leave until he is satisfied with the results.  

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Do you notice the cart orientation appear much different than when you did your own setup?

Is it level looking at the front? How about from the side? Tail up,level?
I realize this has nothing to do with proper cart setup, just curious.

phill55 - Never say never ;-)
Cleveland road trip coming up soon. PA, NJ, and upstate NY perhaps around mid year.

I do not notice any obvious difference other than the cartridge position in the headshell. Brian mounted it a little further forward.  Other than that I had it dead on center when looking from the front and side. 
"I do not notice any obvious difference other than the cartridge position in the headshell. Brian mounted it a little further forward."

Hmm.. Do you know if your cart is in a Baerwald alignment? Using my Feikert, it does shove the cart forward compared to using the VPI alignment, which is close to the Stephenson.

The alignment geometry I use tends to have the lowest average tracking error across the record. That should be sufficient information.