Your mind seems made up. I think in this case your not going to be happy after your purchase of the Sashas for a long time and many many upgrades!!! Why not enjoy and upgrade your current system with the Sashas in mind??? I'd start with the transport, then ASC 16" tube traps in the corners. I tried GIK 244 and the ASC worked a lot better for me. I think you'll find getting a tighter well defined bass and cleaner mids without bass smear will let you hear how good the Sophia lll is.
Many people saying very similar things here, I would listen especially concerning treatments!!! People like Jfrech and his vast experience with Wilson products this is knowledge not a guesstimate!!!!
Many people saying very similar things here, I would listen especially concerning treatments!!! People like Jfrech and his vast experience with Wilson products this is knowledge not a guesstimate!!!!