Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)

Recent lessons of the developing audiophile:

  • Don’t buy speakers without demonstration

  • Speaker break in is real...but will not fundamentally change DNA

  • Really appreciate the wisdom of this forum!

I recently changed my old B&W Matrix 803 Series 2 with new Dynaudio Countour 60i’s. A number of you helped on my: How important is speaker break-in? post - thanks! The Dyn’s are not fully broken in, but I think I can see where this is going: They have great soundstage, detail, and bass. In comparison, the B&Ws sound smaller, thinner, slightly less detailed overall, and do not throw big bass. (The B&W’s are supplemented nicely with a quality subwoofer, but that still sounds a little more like component parts stitched together, than the way the Dyn’s deliver an integrated output).  

The problem? The Dyn’s are hard in the mids and highs, and my (aging) ears are very sensitive to that. I have some tinnitus that I usually don’t notice...unless a hard or ringing sound sets it off, and these speakers are doing it big time. Immediately fatiguing (unless the recording is just somebody plucking at a bass guitar). The B&Ws are pretty sweet in the mid-range and most recordings don’t trip my hard/edgy line. So, I WILL go demo before buying this time, but I am hoping this group can help narrow the search a bit, and I am letting budget drift up if that helps get it done. Here are constraints and goals, and equipment:

*Absolutely must be smooth and silky - not hard, edgy, ringing, brittle, etc. - in the mids and highs. Ironically, I tend to listen mostly to heavier music, but I care mostly about sweet and detailed delivery of delicate sounds, like vocals and piano. For say, heavy metal, I don’t care if the system reproduces it perfectly, only that it tilts away from ragged, ringing tones as much as possible.

*After that, I want a big, authoritative sound with meaningful bass, detail - everything one would want in a speaker, but compromises can be made.  

*Room Treatments. Room is medium size, does not have treatments, and it is what it is. It is not a dedicated audio room, so I can’t start throwing stuff up on the walls (WAF). (The room does have the benefit of being wood floor applied directly to concrete (with a rug), so at least the floor doesn’t resonate. And it has 2 layers of sheetrock in places). I will live with my room compromises, but the sound coming out the speakers themselves does matter and I want to focus on that.

*Prefer tower style for aesthetics and fit, but open to boxy (e.g. Harbeth) if that’s where I need to go.  

* Equipment: All digital inputs to ARC DAC 8 -> ARC Ref5se preamp -> Bryston 7BSST2 monoblocks (600W). I get that the whole system matters, and that Brystons are supposed to be a little hard. But this problem really started with the new speakers, so that is where I am focusing. If you really think different amps or something are going to turn the Dynaudio’s silky sweet in the mids and high, please say that with some conviction and support.

As always, really appreciate the greater knowledge of this community!

Big Harbeths (40.2), MBL120 (don't know if it will rock but smooth? Oh yeah...), Ohm speakers, German Acoustics. Focusing on omni's for more placement options. Season's Greetings!
I understand your problem. I suffer from tinnitus as well. I can highly recommend the Legacy Audio Focus SE's to fit your criteria. Big and bold (they play to 18hz) yet able to be delicate and lively. They are also easy to drive. You owe it to yourself to listen to a pair.
My understanding is that tinnitus is normally associated with a particular frequency region, which varies from one individual to another.  

Mathiasmingus, do you know what frequency region sets off your tinnitus?   

If not, you can probably find out using this site and some headphones:   


I'd suggest starting at maybe 5 kHz, and use the sine wave generator.  Judge whether the tone is above or below your tinnitus zone, and adjust accordingly until you home in on it.  

This might be useful information in your speaker search. 

Best of luck to you.  

Your REF5se is not a bright preamp

the leading ARC dealer in USA Randy in Santa Monica carries only Vandersteen, your price range gets you into Quattro, maybe 5aCarbon used. 

Have fun and enjoy the journey