McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
Naysayers should read some of the European reviews of aftermarket fuses where some countries mandate fuses in the housing of the mains lines plugs. Of every one I've read that was for a TV, they all reported improved TV performance, which can actually be seen. It's along the same lines as what I've seen with better AC cords and power conditioning. 

That, and all the qualifying statements from those who've yet to try it makes one wonder, why bother debating, for they'll never know and will always complain, using the same, tired points.

And, it would be nice to see them stop using the medical analogy of placebo, since a placebo has no medicinal effect whatsoever when measured against a real drug and with any piece of audio gear, there actually is something of relative value and performance going up against what you're supposedly testing. In other words, they both work along the same lines for the intended purpose. One just happens to be better than the other. Leave the price of it out of the equation and they'll find themselves balancing on one leg.

All the best,
I’m auditioning a couple of fuses, more out of curiosity. So far, I won’t say all of a sudden my system is night and day different , but there is a noticeable air that didn’t seem to be there before. Low end is a bit more solid etc. I’m a fan. 
I don't know, but I was wondering if high end manufacturers of audio components use high end fuses. I have McIntosh 601's. They are 10k + for the pair. You would think companies like this would have researched this potential improvement. Even if they dropped a couple hundred bucks more on a component and it made their product sound better than the competition, they would do it, and list it in their features. I don't remember any company doing this. But they may be trying to cut corners or just don't know about it. No, I haven't tried high end fuses, so that may disqualify me from this discussion. But if some high end companies (like McIntosh) try to weigh in here, ignore them, they probably have not tried them either.
Someone should have bookmarked the passages where manufacturers use aftermarket fuses as it's been done. Holo May DAC is one. 

All the best,