Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.

After having both in the same system and in the same room, I can't disagree with you more. Not because of what someone is telling me, or I'm just saying it to say it, but if the room is adequate, the Sasha's can do things that Sophia 3s can't do. As a matter a fact, with the Sophia 3s, I would listen with the volume @ 160, with the Sasha's I listen with the volume @ 140. I submit that Sasha's aren't as hard to drive as the measurements would suggest. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have better results with a more powereful amplifier, but my 100 watt Densen B-350s provide what I need. Sophia 3s are great at what they do, but I promise you Sasha's are at another level.
It's been almost 3 weeks now and I listen to more music than ever. Sasha's image and provide more space between instruments than any speakers that I've ever owned. I think I've reached the point where I'm finally done.
i am thinking about sophia 3s or 2s. i have a cj act 2.2, simaudi w7 amp(150/300/500w) and a sim supernova cd. room is panel treated 19x13x8 which opens up into a hall way and a small room on the other side of the hall. i worry about size/speaker synergy. Also i wonder if some of the problems people have with their speakers is due to poor placement. I had a sumiko guy due their set up to my current vsa speakers and they wound up placed where i would never have placed them and sounded far different than what i had achieved after a lot of movement around the room. i listen to rock blues female vocals and a little jazz. love the sophias for their bass-ability to do a fender bass sound like no ther speaker i have heard. What do you all think about my room is the 8 ft ceiling or 13 ft wide going to be a problem????
We listened to Tricon_dave's Sasha last week with my Naim Superline phono stage. That is a great combination ; speed and definition were amazing.