Frail and Bedazzled

I just set up my vinyl rig and I must say I didn't expect it to best my digital setup by this margin. My 2-3 best SACDs through my digital rig may compete but damn...I am having a personal vinyl resurgence. Merry Christmas all.
I have had a similar recent experience.  So glad I never tossed my vinyl.  Never understood the black and white debates over formats however.  Each can sound wonderful.  Each can sound dreadful.  Merry Christmas.
Santa brought me Sennheiser HD800S’s. Paired with Woo WA6 amp and fed by Tidal/Aurender N100H/Schiit Yggdrasil GS, my vinyl does not come close. Sorry...used to think vinyl was better until I got a great DAC. This is the key for me. Too much distortions and euphoric coloration in vinyl.
My vinyl rig officially trumps my digital. Just stunning. I just set the vtf on my ortofon black .025 heavier and my mind is blown. Never stop tweaking. Puff and tweak I say. 
It's all in the DAC. Get a cheap dac and you will have mediocre sq from digital. IMO, you have to spend many times more on a vinyl setup than a good dac for vinyl to compare with digital. Check out the vinyl reviewers like Fremer, comparing their $300k vinyl setup to a $10k dac and he likes his vinyl better.
@troutki50 - Let that strawman burn.  Why not just enjoy the music irrespective of the source media?
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