REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab

I have about 5 grand to spend on loudspeakers.  Of these 2, Tekton Moab and Revel performa3 f208, which one would you goners buy? Or any recommendations? I have an old Krell FPB 400CX, Ayre K5xe mp, Wadia 321 Dac, VPI Classic turntable. 
@stringreen  YES! I appreciate authentic insight of that kind. And I have to admit, my stereo predilections and obsessions signify something of the confusion you descry. 
Pretty certain at this point no one cares what you did or did not order.

There you go, now you can one dimensionally tell me to enjoy my inferior (insert brand here) audio equipment that I obtained at (insert big box store here), then lyfao! three or four times.
Jay’s Audio Lab on YouTube (whitecamaroos here) is setting up the Tekton Ulfberht with upgraded tweeters ready to challenge his $110k Wilson Alexx. That I’m super interested in, not this silly in-fighting back and forth.
Why stop at 15?  Think of them as a pair, then you can brag about 30.  Hooked up to your Topping they will make sweet, sweet music.