Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone
So how many of you "fusers" are willing to do a blind listening test to actually see if you hear a difference? I think that after spending 30, 50 or 150 bucks on a fuse you will trick your mind into hearing something that doesn't exist. It's a well documented phenomenon. Very prevalent in voodoo audio.
Bill, the persistent long term ones, I really believe are shills for the $$$$$$$$$ fuse companies, as no one can be that ****** for that long, so there’s no outcome if you challenge them to an blind a/b because they will never do it.

Better asking them to get their manufacturer’s of these boutique $150+ fuses to come on here to these pages and back up what the they are saying, especially in regards to AC mains directional fuses.

Cheers George
Tell me, billwojo, do you blind test every and any piece of stereo gear you buy? I bet you don’t. So why the hangup with fuses? Afraid you’ll hear a difference and lose Georgie as your side kick?

That, and if you want to come across as sincere and as someone who can stand on his own, stop emulating Georgie (right down to his language) and be your own man: speak with your own voice.

Now you might know yourself to be an unstable person, given to hallucinations and delusions, and may even be on meds for it, but I’m very familiar with my senses, which have served me well for all my life. Not given to mental maladies that some here fear, I go through life sure in my beliefs and perceptions. Maybe it’s something you can work on.

All the best,
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