Having read the entire thread, I will comment only on speakers I’ve heard. Agree on Harbeth, but also agree with comment that they are a bit too smooth on the highs, lacking some detail. Own Totem and they are more like the instrument is in the room - like a live performance. I find upper tier B&W speakers harsh and tiring in the treble, but some see it as precision. I prefer the KEF products at comparable price points. To me they sound more natural. A brand no one has mentioned is Aerial Acoustics, based outside Boston. I’ve owned their Model 8B, no longer made, for a couple of decades. The newer Model 7B is also excellent and full range, but Aerial speakers need power.
I concur with the idea of an amp upgrade. And would encourage you to audition before buying, especially with an 8k budget. But you could spend a good deal less and do fine with KEF or Totem. Also, I agree with view that tone and voicing of instruments is more important than imaging. And it is very difficult to mimic the sound of a venue because of your room’s unique acoustics. Listen and choose. Happy shopping.