After an in home comparison with an older JL Audio, Velodyne, a REL and their owners, we concluded the F113/A.R.O. and the DD-18 were similar in presentation after their auto optimization. The 13" JL was every bit as full bodied as the 18" to well beyond stupid levels.
The JL's minor shortcomings are that its room optimization is auto only and its XLR only output makes slaving compatibility difficult with their e series and other RCA input equipped subs. Velodyne's Manual EQ allowed for a more customized crossover setting used on all six EQ presets which all have slightly different EQ settings below the crossover region. Remote control made the Velodyne, or any sub, interactive.
Following the REL setup instructions, which are basically identical to their current flagship product, the $9K Studio III was impossible to properly locate due to the length of its supplied proprietary cable in that room but easily remedied. In comparison it integrated poorly and lacked definition. Its presentation basically added low level pressure. Without a direct in room comparison it could seem musical or preferable.
A manually adjustable Q multi-band parametric filter that can be adjusted to your taste/musicality and match most any speakers crossover region*. Considering a processing subs tonal flexibility, addressing most room issues and the ability to more closely match most any future speaker choice, I find signal processing well worth the extra cost.
Obviously one signal processing subwoofer won't eliminate a rooms nulls and modes just as a basic sub array does not equalize. Most any crawl-test located sub should easily perform its best at the listening position. All the best with your search.
*Look up the User Interface Manual pages 10-11, Frequency Response Parameters Screen.