Michael Fremer's system

Do you agree with his choice ? What would you change ?

The mess would drive me crazy but that’s on me. He seems like a very down to earth and honest guy. Magnificent hifi. 
What I like about Mikey, he seems to be a real good listener who tells it like he hears it. He's straight up honest about letting you know he prefers a fast technical analytical style sound. So no wonder he has what he has. Because he is honest and open however it makes him super useful as a reviewer.  

He's also super helpful. When shopping for my first big rig many years ago I was torn and wrote to Stereophile hoping Mikey might help me out. The guy not only helped, he called and we had a good long talk. Never told me what to do. Never even told me his preference. But by letting me know his first hand relative impressions he was a huge help and I wound up very happy with my Basis/Graham/Glider. Lasted me a good many years. 

Nice system. Good reviewer considering the music he uses to review with (usually way too much artificial digital reverb). House is a mess, has a garbage pail for a mouth, and his politics totally sucks.
