Michael Fremer's system

Do you agree with his choice ? What would you change ?

Well I’m glad that he pointed out that the overpriced loudspeakers are in fact his and not loaners.
Mikey lives in his own world manufactured from his teens on and God bless him, he seems very happy in it. He has seen it through to it's logical conclusion, thousands of records and an ultra expensive system. He is not the worlds best house keeper but neither is he a malodorous hobo.
He seems to be enjoying himself at least I hope he is. It is not my place to evaluate his system or his lifestyle. I can't have any of the equipment he has because I do not have any connections and I can not afford it. On the other hand there is nothing he has that I lust after. I am of the opinion that you can probably construct a better sounding system for much less money.
The mess would drive me crazy but that’s on me. He seems like a very down to earth and honest guy. Magnificent hifi. 
What I like about Mikey, he seems to be a real good listener who tells it like he hears it. He's straight up honest about letting you know he prefers a fast technical analytical style sound. So no wonder he has what he has. Because he is honest and open however it makes him super useful as a reviewer.  

He's also super helpful. When shopping for my first big rig many years ago I was torn and wrote to Stereophile hoping Mikey might help me out. The guy not only helped, he called and we had a good long talk. Never told me what to do. Never even told me his preference. But by letting me know his first hand relative impressions he was a huge help and I wound up very happy with my Basis/Graham/Glider. Lasted me a good many years.