Paul McCartney 3

Not really a fan of his solo work, but heard some buzz about his newest album and gave it a listen when it was realeased a few days ago and am immersed. Not to the point of being a fanboi but definitely appreciative and happy listening both as a music lover and an audiophile (and yes, there is a difference).

Good songwriting and production from a genre god who does this for the love of it.

I gave it a whirl on Spotify yesterday. It didn’t grab me. I probably expect too much.
jehowlind said:
"Music is subjective always, but he is admittedly the greatest living musical artist of modern times."  

Admittedly? I think you misused that word, but I'll assume that you mean that everyone agrees that he's the greatest, in which case I think many if not most will disagree; myself among them. 
Anyway, past acheivments have nothing to do with his latest work. Like one of my old bosses used to say, "Yesterday's peacock is tomorrow's feather duster."
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