Speaker suggestions under 4k

Well here it is. I sold my Tekton Double Impacts and my Lyngdorf 2170 a while back. I thought it sounded very good! I was getting out of audio and wasn't listening much anymore. Well..... now winter is here, I'm bored and have the itch to get something descent again. 
I like rock/metal/bluegrass/ acoustic/ some country. I need impact and good midbass and low fatigue. I have a Crown DCI 4/300 and a upgraded Jolida Fusion preamp at the moment. Plenty of power for almost anything. 

My biggest pet peeve is cabinets that start talking at high levels or when the sound hardens at high levels. 

Willing to drive up to 300miles 1 way for the right deal and I am in West Mi. A little older does not bother me at all. I've just started looking and a few I've been eying are:
Aerial LR5 or Model 9
Dali MS4
LSA 20 statements (new)
KEF 205/2
Dynaudio Focus 360

Any others anyone feels I should keep an eye out for in this price range? 

A couple years ago I listened to Monitor Gold 300 floorstanders and was very impressed, seemed to be a great balance between detail yet not fatiguing, excellent all arounder. This was not the new model but the one that came out a couple of years ago with a vertical silver ribbon twitter. Liked it more than Revel f208 which seemed like it had less life and excitement (neutral i know).
I am not sure how people could demo salk, arent they entirely internet based?
Look up some Usher speakers, the older 6371, 6381 and 6391 were killer speakers and great bass, the newer Usher Mini Diamond 1 and 2 are more refined and sound great from top to bottom and won't break the bank
Thank all. 

Well I'm about to hit the PayPal send button for a pair of Pioneer S-1EX. Thanks for pointing those out howaboutthat41!  I like what I read in the reviews and they seem to have a very high build quality. We shall see in a week or so. 
Certainly — I hope that they meet (and exceed) your expectations. Take time to dial them in by way of positioning, which is invited with all speakers but perhaps moreso for those with concentric drivers.  Most top flight speakers are reviewed as punching well above their price points (to the point that notion is rather hackneyed) but if Pioneer simply marketed these as TAD speakers I believe they would have commanded prices and notoriety in line with Revel’s Ultima 2 line.  And I am a Revel fan (and owner) going back to the Madrigal days.  

If the Pioneer S-1EX does indeed sound near the TAD E-1, then you have one mighty speaker at the price they are being offered for on eBay - that speaker looks to have drivers similar to the TAD E-1. I have owned E-1s along with the matching amp/preamp for two years and they will take me to the grave. Don't know the retail on the Pioneer's but the E-1s are $30k retail.

Do realize you'll need a great amp to pair whatever speakers you purchase. Otherwise you'll get that compressed hardness when played loud. Just because an amp has "plenty" of power does not mean that it makes pure clean power. The speaker/amp interface is the most important metric in system synergy. Good luck in your pursuit.