McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
Maybe with something made at the turn of last century would moving a fuse around inside its holder make a difference.  It would have to be poorly made, bordering on primitive. Never seen a fuse do what Georgie says with his summer vacation slide shows. 

All that supposed corrosion would be evident throughout the chassis and not just at one tiny point of contact where the fuse resides. Listen to yourselves. You're delusional and grasping at straws. 

Going one step further, how is it that a different fuse can't possibly contribute to the sound of an amp but just moving an existing fuse can, when all it's supposed to be is safety feature and not at all capable of affecting the sound? You can't have it both ways.

All the best,
Hate to brake the news, but audio fuses and fuse holders have the same function and basic design as they have had for the past 40 years and any contact connection that is made to be removed or replaced is susceptible to oxidation and corrosion, including your cables, cords, wall plugs and switch contacts. Not sure where you're coming from on this one nonoise......Jim

You are right you can't have it both ways. You can promote all sorts of exotic contact materials and high pressure contacts for AC cables, wall outlets, even IEC plugs, yet claim the contacts on a typically very cheap fuse holder which passes the same current, can't make a difference.
Also, nonoise, in case you haven't noticed, the other components in your audio gear are Soldered at the points of connection or are printed circuit boards. Anything that is made to be removed, including the pins on your tubes, can become oxidized over time....Jim