Speakers that are RAP music proof

Hi there I and most of my friends listen to rap and hip hop. I am always afraid of it on my system as its almost always equalized for Car Audio.

In a car you typically crossover your highs around 160HZ give or take. Based on this I am looking for an older pair of speakers in the 400-800 range that are a good solid go to with a 200+ WPC SS Amp.

Legacy Focus's are Ideal minus the price tag as they have a 12" Mid woofer for 80-300 HZ easing the work from the 6.5" Mids. I am looking for something like this that looks decent and sounds great that I can install for friends with a couple hundred watts and will rock with subwoofers

Infinity, JBL, VMPS?


Great idea for a thread!

Throw a 250 or 500 w/ch Class D amp at a pair of modern OHM Walshes. They will rock your world and never break a sweat! Guaran-damn-teed! They have all the muscle and finesse needed to deliver the goods with any kind of music from RAP to symphony to big band to death metal to solo acoustic and will never chase you out of the room,

Well, I have heard a few modern loudness wars CDs that might put you a tad on edge, even with the mighty OHMs. But truly not many....
Yeah, I'm gonna agree with my friend Mapman on this one. Ohm Walshes are definitely worth a look. They're insanely well priced, they go really deep, and the pseudo-omni design means you don't have to sit perfectly still in a tiny sweet spot... they're great party speakers. Throw gobs of good solid state current at them and they'll really, really rock. I don't have a lot of hip-hop or rap in my CD collection, but Lauryn Hill and the Dr. Dolittle soundtrack CD, both with lots of hip-hop influences and deep synth bass, sounded splendid on my Ohm's.
My speakers are rap proof and will remain so as long as I own them.

I learned the secret behind rap last year --- it turns out the C is silent.
I think a pair of snell c4's or c5's would do a excellant job;maybe even a older pair of ar9's originals.