I never said or implied that anyone needs regularly change out their fuses, but that if you changed out your old fuse and by some miracle heard a starteling difference by putting in one of the magic fuses. you would have heard the same difference by cleaning the contacts and putting in a standard new fuse and saved $147.00.
Have been at this game longer than you and I put my store in my own ears and in those on here who have actually spent their life/lives building and repairing electronics and those who have spent their lives in the recording and production business, who wouldn’t dream of spending $150.00 for a magic fuse or $1K+ per foot for any kind of cord or cable. Those who make a living at actually producing the music don’t have the time or money to waste on con games. So whatever it takes to please your super hearing - go for it....Jim
I never said or implied that anyone needs regularly change out their fuses, but that if you changed out your old fuse and by some miracle heard a starteling difference by putting in one of the magic fuses. you would have heard the same difference by cleaning the contacts and putting in a standard new fuse and saved $147.00.
Have been at this game longer than you and I put my store in my own ears and in those on here who have actually spent their life/lives building and repairing electronics and those who have spent their lives in the recording and production business, who wouldn’t dream of spending $150.00 for a magic fuse or $1K+ per foot for any kind of cord or cable. Those who make a living at actually producing the music don’t have the time or money to waste on con games. So whatever it takes to please your super hearing - go for it....Jim