Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

I am sharing this for those with an interest. I no longer have vinyl, but I find the issues involved in the debates to be interesting. This piece raises interesting issues and relates them to philosophy, which I know is not everyone's bag. So, you've been warned. I think the philosophical ideas here are pretty well explained -- this is not a journal article. I'm not advocating these ideas, and am not staked in the issues -- so I won't be debating things here. But it's fodder for anyone with an interest, I think. So, discuss away!
This is just trying to paint a fantasy brush onto reality. You don’t store sound, you store a signal, either analog of digital.
The real concrete sound in a room is not a signal, digital OR analog, it is a phenomenon which can be reduced to a format for recordering purpose but can never be only a digital or an analog phenomena only... The ears hearing sound in a room use the 2 aspects of the phenomenon not only one analog AND digital...

My thesis is simple: recording or listening format are different not superior....

Why ? because ultimately musical timbre is a human recognition phenomenon implicating not only what you called analog signals or digital signals but and it is what i affirm, the 2 simulataneously... It is the reason why in some conditions, some human prefer and vouch for analog; they are not right or wrong...

I repeat i never afirm that analog vinyl is superior at all... But i cannot go with you in the absolute superiority of digital.... World is complex and any room/brain is a world in itself...

In a word: sound phenomena need the 2 aspects to be described or recorded: digital and analog... A stick has 2 ends...

« A polygon with an infinite number of faces never equal a circle» Nicholas Of Cusa

« Sound is like a rolling ball... No, sound is like a bouncing ball... No, wait a minute sound is a soliton wave in a room or perhaps only in the brain »- Harpo Marx acoustical discoveries

« It is all that at the same time brother, it is called timing»-Groucho Marx
« A polygon with an infinite number of faces never equal a circle» Nicholas Of Cusa
Precisely, digital is an approximation of an analogue signal.
I am glad to not be the only one to understand that in this thread.... 😁

Happy New Year to you....

«What is an engineer? Someone who reduce all phenomenon to signal controls or formats...
What is a scientist? Someone who can return back any signals to the context of his phenomenal origin without mixing them for purposeful limited results.. » -Groucho Marx epistemology

«I dont understand why Goethe said that there is no theory behind the phenomenon»-Harpo Marx
« Because the theory is always in front of the phenomenon idiot!»-Groucho Marx
«Is it not Thomas Kuhn philosophy of science one century before him?» Chico Marx
«Indeed this is it»-Groucho Marx

«History of science is science»-Goethe
An analog RECORDING is not the original signal. A polygon with a million faces is a better approximation of a circle than one drawn with a shaky hand ... or any hand for that matter.

This is as sill asy that bread analogy. This silly concept that an analog RECORDING is somehow "continuous". It is not. It has noise. It has timing flaws from the mechanical nature. It has data loss.

dover1,306 posts12-29-2020 10:47pm
« A polygon with an infinite number of faces never equal a circle» Nicholas Of Cusa
Precisely, digital is an approximation of an analogue signal.