This is just trying to paint a fantasy brush onto reality. You don’t store sound, you store a signal, either analog of digital.The real concrete sound in a room is not a signal, digital OR analog, it is a phenomenon which can be reduced to a format for recordering purpose but can never be only a digital or an analog phenomena only... The ears hearing sound in a room use the 2 aspects of the phenomenon not only one analog AND digital...
My thesis is simple: recording or listening format are different not superior....
Why ? because ultimately musical timbre is a human recognition phenomenon implicating not only what you called analog signals or digital signals but and it is what i affirm, the 2 simulataneously... It is the reason why in some conditions, some human prefer and vouch for analog; they are not right or wrong...
I repeat i never afirm that analog vinyl is superior at all... But i cannot go with you in the absolute superiority of digital.... World is complex and any room/brain is a world in itself...
In a word: sound phenomena need the 2 aspects to be described or recorded: digital and analog... A stick has 2 ends...
« A polygon with an infinite number of faces never equal a circle» Nicholas Of Cusa
« Sound is like a rolling ball... No, sound is like a bouncing ball... No, wait a minute sound is a soliton wave in a room or perhaps only in the brain »- Harpo Marx acoustical discoveries
« It is all that at the same time brother, it is called timing»-Groucho Marx