Opinions on differing power cable for amp and preamp

Hello All,

Looking for your thoughts/advice/opinions. I currently have a Rotel RSP-1582 preamp and I am using a Transparent High Performance Power cable. My amp is a Simaudio Titan HT200 5 channel amp using a Shunyata Delta NR 20 amp power cord. Better to trade the Shunyata Delta for a Transparent Premium 20 amp power cord? Does that make more sense for synergy purposes or does it really not make a difference mixing different power cables from different manufacturers? I should also mention all my speaker cable and interconnects are Transparent Plus. 

Thanks all in advance....
I don't see how someones experience with a power cord on THEIR component can advise someone of how it will sound on someone else's.
Case in point. I bought a power cord from Verastarr. I got it directly from Mike so I know It is genuine.
I installed it on my phono pre and poof, the bass disappeared. I couldn't believe what I heard.
I then I installed it on my DAC and it sounded normal.
Go figure. From that day forward I realized the effect of cables.
My hypothesis is that cables don't make gear sound better. Some cables that are not on par with the component will cause it to not sound as it should.
I  agree with much of what millercarbon says. I am pleased for him that he has found cables that provide really good beautiful balance in sound that suit his sense of hearing, perceptions and preferences.

I do indeed live in a different universe than millercarbon. My universe is dominated by a hearing condition known as Hyperacusis, which skews my perceptions of sound and therefore my preferences to a different and perhaps "strange" balance than what might be considered as normal. I am also pleased that there is at least one cable company that produces cables that suit my perceptions and preferences.

I am 100% willing to accept that everybody hears differently, perceives differently and has different preferences. To each, his own.

What I have found does work for me and I will keep on doing it.
@rushfan71 (I am also a true Rush worshipper) my intent on this post was more to hear others' opinions and experiences as to whether it makes more sense for synergy purposes to stick with the same manufacturer throughout your system as far as cabling...Again I know this is all so highly subjective on everything and there are too many variables for there to be a true definitive answer to @twoleftears point, but like I said I value the input of others' here and appreciate anyone sharing their experiences and opinions. 

I completely agree with your statement that cables don't make the gear sound better however I also agree they can "get in the way"...
I see you get my point. I had to mention this because it was the most obvious change using a cable that I have ever heard and unfortunately it was negative. 
Maybe you can do like I plan to when it's time for me to do power cables
(Im saving that for last, in the mean time I have Pangea 14SE's throughout which I've had since another system)
which is try power cables from companies with trial periods.
After my experience with the Verastarr cable I tried, I would hate to get stuck with an expensive cable that hurts my system.
No disrespect to Verastarr just a synergy issue.

R.I.P Professor 1-7-20
Thanks @rushfan71, of course I get your point us Rush fans truly speak the same language:)