Thank you @oleschool. When I purchased my home two years ago, I intended to build a 20’ X 25’ X 14’ high dedicated listening room attached to my home by a breezeway on my large lot. However, the City of Los Angeles changed the law on building to site coverage on RA residential/agricultural zoned lots (about 35% of the City) where only large homes are constructed on 3/17/17. This so called anti-mansionization law limited development to 25% of my lot area (20% if it had been 20,000’+). It defeated the purpose of the law by permitting 50% lot area development on 7.500’ lots and smaller and 45% for larger R1 (typical smaller than RA) residential lots. One can still build a 4,500’ multi-story home next to a 70 year old 1,200’ home; hence, defeating the purpose to prevent mansions overlooking small homes. My RA subdivision homes are 4,700’ to 8,000’ on 18,500’ lots. We can’t add a foot to our homes or use attics (mine’s a partially finished 2,500’ at 10’ to 18’ high) except for dead storage. So I ended up taking out 2 of my 4 garages.
It’s not so bad since my listening room is fabulous sonically.
It’s not so bad since my listening room is fabulous sonically.