Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...

I owned a low cost headphone for many years, the Fostex TH7B, first version( a new one close version exist Fostex TH7BK), semi-open headphone...I was never completely satisfied by any headphones I ever owned: Hifiman 400, Stax basic lamda, Stax 5 gold,Akg 340,Akg 701, beyerdynamic 990, and T150... Because in each of them with all their qualities I never listen to at the same times, a confortable headphone with natural timbre and voicing, with a good imaging and a realistic soundstage(not too close to my ears)...

For the last days I tweaked this Fostex, to damp his internal resonance I used sorbothane, I put some shungite stones at the exterior part of the cups and I use some Herkimer diamond in the interior pads( 3 at 120 degree) … Now this low cost headphones crush all my others if I sum all his qualities... For example his mids and voicing cannot beat the AKG 340 but among all my other headphones it is the best that is near that mids and it is more confortable, and with longer cable than the 340...His imaging is better and more realistic than the 340 etc etc...It is the same if I compare with the others...

His most important qualities is natural timbre and clear imaging,very precise pinned point accuracy and natural, so clear it crush for that ALL the others to dust...In the French audio circle the reviews were more than very positive few years ago...Diapason d’or and choc Classica...I am not the only one impressed buy the ratio quality/price... But remember that thesae reviewers dont tweak their headphone...The difference between before and after the tweaks are staggering...

Yes Miracles happens in Audio: cost is under 100 American dollars... Few years ago they cost me 50 bucks new... I never dreamed that I will go back to headphones...

I will enjoy your miracles stories of any kind ….My best to all...
Ah! thank you illuminated and enlightened soul...

i wish you the best for this coming years and Merry Christmas....

Food for tought:

Among my hundred( around 120 cables connections) connections, between my resonators grids , diffusors, Schuman generators grid, sometimes a cable(they are very thin and glued by copper adhesive tape often) detach itself by accident and i cannot know it on the spot...

Today this 4 connections, 2 between my diffusors grid and 2 in my resonators grid connected to the central"Bell of bells" (36 little resonators with H.D. on a bigger bell) spontaneously disconnect themselves....

I did not know why nor when this happened in the last night ...

I was listening some piano, a cd of Bach by Feltsman i know by heart, and i was disapointed by the sound, by a lack of transparency, the image was correct, but i has sense a veil that was not there few days ago...

I stood up and inspect my connections, i spot the problem rapidly ...


All These connections were made few at a times, incrementally in the last 2 years, each one added something positive, sometimes very subtle....

When i look at all these cables i think that perhaps i am nut....Like my wife think....

But the proof is there, each time i lost to much connections (this already happened a few times the audible🤔) the resultant effect is disastrous; the level of loss is dependent of the connection itself, the Schumann Generators being the most important central grid of all these grids then the most important connections, but all others also are valuable from the first day that i decide to introduce them until today....

I am nut but i am proud to have been able to create my paradise, at peanuts cost i remind you of that....😋

Happy new year in this Christmas day.....

not homemade, not at a peanut cost like most of my own creations all along this thread but it is working... 😀

I hesitated a bit to comunicate that because i am proud of my creativity and to this day i improvised my embeddings controls all by myself with no branded name product addition....I modified the Shumann generators even if i bought them ready made....This new product i will not touch it tough....I only imagined for it an unknown use to the inventor’s brain....


I just bought a French product designed to perturb the olfactive sense of moskitoes by ionizing the molecules of the air and taking viruses to the floor instead of letting them surfing toward your nose.... I created for it a third function unsuspected and unexpected by the French inventor.... 😎😋😊

I will only give a short citation from the french site about how this device work:

«Our technology is based on the principle of dielectric barrier discharges. Our technology does not use any consumables and does not generate any chemical residue. An electrode is subjected to a high electrical voltage, which produces controlled dielectric barrier discharges which, acting on the components of the ambient air, create a cold plasma of ions. The anions thus produced have a proven antiviral and anti-bacterial effect, and also have a repellent effect on mosquitoes, by annihilating the odors emitted by human beings and by disturbing their olfactory organs.»


I bought it first like a portable antivirus device that can add protection to the mask in close waiting room; i was trustful because this device has been certified to works officially by Pasteur Institute in a joint venture between the private sector and the Institute it seems......

BUT ionizing the air of a room stick a bell in my head of audiophile....This may work good for asthma but also to the hearing apparatus and do well with the room atmosphere indeed...

I add it to my audio room, and guess what?

Audible modification of the closed atmosphere by ionization make the sound to be more easily perceptible , each colored tone and timbre dynamic being more refine....At nearfield and at regular distance....the device is able to treat a small room...

Then i must give to you the good news, something that repell the mosquitoes because they smell you no more, that makes virus falls on the floor instead of surfing in the air , and a device that transforn the acoustical settings of the room for 100 US dollars is low cost.... It is not peanuts cost tough i am sorry for that.... BUT now i cannot go without it....

That device kills 3 birds in one shot.....

🐦🐦🐦🔫 🙃 Not 🥜 but nevermind low cost.......Anything under 100 us is low cost in my book, anything under 25 us is peanuts....

Happy New Year.....

« Youre kidding me son, the same device repell mosquitoes, make virus fall on the ground and transform the sound for your ears? I will call the asylum or sell me one»- Groucho Marx

After many hours of listening i know how to describe the audible effect of the moskitofree device...

Simple indeed,  the decay process of any tone is way longer and richer giving new space to the imaging bubble of each instrument without separating them  and a refinement to the timbre...

I pinch myself to verify if i was dreaming...It is impossible to stop listening...

It is amazing  the way a triple embeddings rightly controls rooms make any change a crystal clear experience and make a so powerful upgrade...

But this time it must be the end of the road for me now.....

Ecstasy cannot erase ecstasy and rewrite it, except perhaps in heaven....

But wait a minute, it is precisely what my embeddings controls made possible each time but without erasing the last ecstasy, more like superposing one ecstasy on the last one making it more deeper....

Anyway i am happy like the last time i was dying but it is another story....


My audio system reach top level for me in the last night...I have sleep very few hours....😏

I just realized that my new moskitofree device was working marvellously increasing the S.Q. very audibly by adding a better processed decay to any tone and sound... Giving them more air around to breath ...But...

An idea comes to my mind about the right way to use it by placing it above one of my 3 himalayan salt lamps... I have three, one near my speakers and 2 under my desk, the speakers being on my desk....These lamp ionized slightly the air, and believe it or not they have an audible effect, exactly like the moskitofree device but way less powerful, anyway an audible effect...I bought them for that few years ago...

I dont believe in anything, i experience in my mind or experiment...Dont believe in God just experience with God in your mind, a thinking experience like Einstein imagining himself flying with the light and you will sense an effect, then go on ith this effect and look where it takes you....Anyway....😎

Then last night i decided to make an experiment by suspending the moskitofree device above the salt lamp. beside my right speakers... The idea is to make the cold plasma produced by the device, or ionized gas produced by the moskitoe device to work near the salt lamp and then helping the lamp work on his own and using the salt to liberate more ions in the air...

That work great! So much, than the audible effect appear to be on par or perhaps greater than my 12 connected Shumann generators together...But you will have a powerful effect without any lamp also...A bit less tough...But anyway a remarkable one...

I cannot fathom without being amazed the subtle but very audible transformation of the perceived aura of sound....I could not sleep....

With any sound system you live with, you develop an habit, and you dont perceive immediately the unnaturalness of the sound directly, you perceive instead in an incremental way each changes and each increase in S.Q. seems the end of the road or appear like a place to rest... And you think, now i have it, at last, this natural timbre perception... And you have it yes, but not completely and you dont know it yet, but you think about the last time when you have change your embeddings controls reaching another another better level...

It was the same thing last night, i have reach a complete new level in timbre naturalness and the sound now breathe in space in my entire room...

Ok i was thinking that it was my end road limit.... How can i improve it? it seems impossible and i am so happy i dont give a dam i prefered to immerse myself in music...today i dont give a dam either and music is enough...

This is one of my meditation music,very powerful...

This is a difficult file to be played rightly or optimally on any audio system....If your audio system is not at his optimal level you will guess it with this file annoying sound....On top system this music is divine tough...

2 Voices with a circle of firing tuning forks at different frequencies with very subtle circle of chimes above that... Your system is good if you listen to that without any fatiguing harshness, with a FLOWING waves caressing you all around you and filing the room in a kind of whirlwind...

With all my 2 years listenings experiments my goal was , between many others, a perfect rendition of this file...

I succeeded last night, after many hundred listenings of these file in the last 15 years....

Holy Harmony Jonathan Goldman

Piano and xylophone are also a supreme test...Piano for timbre texture, and xylophone for analysing decay process and the breathing air space between notes...

Walt Dickerson and Sun Ra 2 geniuses of jazz together...Dickerson is a supreme master, not a good player or an ordinary rythmic virtuoso only...Sun Ra when serving others reveal his total musical inspiration and greatness... There exist in all jazz very few communication at the level of this 2 in this cd....They make another one that is also top creative jazz...(creative jazz not free jazz)

Visions Walt Dickerson with Sun Ra

« One idea each day keep the doctor away»- Groucho Marx