What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...

and system? Have you really studied the options and do you really understand what they can possibly give you in return? I am being very, very honest. I am not at all looking for pedantic, argumentive jabber. Looking past slight compromises you are willing to give up in this journey, what do you really want in a loudspeaker??? Complicated if you are a novice. I would like to hear from some experienced audiophiles. Thank you, Dale.
Audiofeil, much to your contrary thoughts, looks like you have several echoing your sentiments. All you had to do was state it!
Yes sir, this is a very interesting process. I have settled in a space, for now, or looking for the 'correct' balance of dynamic and HI FI. I truly love my Vienna Acoustics Strauss with upgraded crossovers by David Schulte.

I am experiencing Zu Audio Essences for the last week. I really do love the sound. I am finding a wonderful thing in that the Zu sound is truly rooted to the performer...that is to say the essence of what they are...the vocal. For me it is just quite nice. The plucks of stings on a acoustic guitar are truly nice. Of course, I can't define this for you, but I do understand what Zu is attempting to do in aligning their sound at this level. I do totally appreiciate why this is such a beloved brand.

Truly, screw the 'Sterophile' sound, and embrace what is truly great. As we all know, they are not words to suffice this endeavor. This is just my take at this point. I truly do appreciate all of you who have the same frame of mind.


Looking forward to my new Zu Def 4s. Sounds like I made a good choice for my first speakers in 30 years. Thanks Bill.
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For me, in this "Golden Age" of speakers, I find myself wanting BETTER MUSIC!
We need to find the Tesla/Einstein/Carlyle/Jordan of (modern) music.
Someone who is head-and-shoulders above their peers.

Good progress was made by Paul Simon (Graceland) and Peter Gabriel (So, US).
I listened to these records for years before the amazement waned.

These days I almost gag when I listen to yesteryear's mainstays (could Rock depend any MORE on mindless repetition?).

Where is the Light to bring us into the future?

A great speaker should have absolutely Zero distortion (especially no GRAIN!), lifelike dynamics (biggest hurdle today IMO) and be somewhat affordable.

P.S. I REALLY like my Thiel 2.4SE but I still want Sophia IIIs.