Not in love with my system yet. Help!

I've upgraded my system quite a bit over the last couple of months and I received the components separately due to shipping delays. I got my Parasound Integrated first and all hooked up. It made quite an improvement. I received my B&W 606 S2's a week later. Happy but knew the arrival of the subwoofers I bought would really help make them shine. I received the first of 2 REL t7i subs and hooked it up as directed and the improvement in sound was astounding so I was ecstatic about the thought of getting the second which was a day later. That's where I ran into issues. I have a Denon receiver which handles the HT side of things. My mains are run through the integrated of course and the only source directly connected to the integrated is a Bluesound Node. I have been unable to integrate the subs for music only when I try with both. I can run Audysey and it did an amazing job for my HT but that doesn't do a thing for me as far as stereo. I have bought a UMIK1 and downloaded REW but know they aren't going to give me any way to correct anything. All of my interconnects are unbalanced (RCA) so not sure which unit I should get to help me along. I have looked into miniDSP but think it only has balanced in and outs. I'd like to keep cost as low as possible as wife is on warpath. What unit do I need to get? I get pretty lost in the forums sometimes sorting everything out so forgive me please for asking to shorten my time to get to my goal and going over things that have probably been addressed before. Much thanks!
@hshifi I did the sub crawl yesterday and am thinking I will employ that positioning as soon as wifey clears out all the Christmas decor. One issue I realized with at least one sub is I am at least 20' away where I found a good spot with good resonance. I will either need to get a longer RCA or leave it disconnected on one which mean only one sub will be doing double duty.

@mm1tt7 I am in the same frame of mind. It is more important to me to get 2 channel correct but both should be doable.

@erik_squires Thanks much! I wasn't aware of that and I think this is going to be a big part of the solution. I know they have several products so is this the one you would recommend?
Speaker level connection for REL subwoofers isn’t set in stone. My 2 channel system is powered by an Anthem STR integrated amp. I have my 2 T5’s hooked up to the subwoofer outputs on the amp so that I can take advantage of room correction. You also wouldn’t want to use the Speakon connection in a home theater situation as you want to be able to take advantage of the LFE channel(s). 

If the goal is to have the best possible 2-channel sound (first), then only focus on the 2-channel rig to start. Per REL, their recommendation is to use the Neutrik connection and dial in the subs. Once you've done this, ALSO connect the .1 LFE connection and run your HT receivers setup routine (Audyssey?). Audyssey should now detect that you have a sub connected to the LFE output(s). It should also detect/set the main L&R front speaker as "large" singe they have a high-level sub connected to them to provide bottom end. If needed, set the front L&R speakers as "large" if you have the subs connected via the Neutik cable.

Does your HT receiver have just one, or two .1 LFE sub outputs?
@crn3371 I was speaking with customer service at REL yesterday and they said you do want your Speakons connected at the same time while in HT because it will continue to enhance the main speakers musicality and fullness while in HT as well as the RCA for .1 LFE. I asked them to clarify what they meant by not using both at the same time and they said you wouldn't want to have two sources of courses going at once.

@reubent Both the receiver and the integrated have 2 sub out connections. I was running RCAs from receiver to integrated then integrated to sub but it didn't recognize two so I went directly to receiver and it worked well. Thanks for the info on speaker settings in the receiver as far as large and small. I have the crossover setting at 60 for the mains.

Thanks once again @erik_squires ! This will be my birthday present to myself.