Mistakes I’ve made

Lending out audio gear!

Loaned a turntable to a relative- he tossed it in the trash when he was done with it and switched to cd

Loaned a turntable to a friend- he has no idea what happened to it 

Loaned a receiver and cassette deck to a relative- he bought a mini system and threw out my gear 

Loaned another receiver to a friend- got smashed 

what “why did I do that” moments have you had? 

thank you for the kind words- it means a great deal to me- 

my 2021 resolution list- 

1) stop lending photo gear (and I still am missing one lens- guy moved very far  away)

2) stop lending music (never comes back)

3) stop lending gear (see original post)

4) when a person tells you they are crazy, believe them 

5) live, laugh, love, listen to music

Have a happy new year tooblue 

Wow, still scratchin’ my head...

Sounds like easy come easy go... How’s that OP...

Over and over... Must have come easy... That's a statement, not a question..

I've never loaned audio equipment to friends but I've loaned CDs and records that were never returned. I wish I had half of the amount of money I've loaned to people who never paid me back---I'd be pretty rich. My parents always told me never to loan people things unless you never want to see it again---they were right.
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