Not in love with my system yet. Help!

I've upgraded my system quite a bit over the last couple of months and I received the components separately due to shipping delays. I got my Parasound Integrated first and all hooked up. It made quite an improvement. I received my B&W 606 S2's a week later. Happy but knew the arrival of the subwoofers I bought would really help make them shine. I received the first of 2 REL t7i subs and hooked it up as directed and the improvement in sound was astounding so I was ecstatic about the thought of getting the second which was a day later. That's where I ran into issues. I have a Denon receiver which handles the HT side of things. My mains are run through the integrated of course and the only source directly connected to the integrated is a Bluesound Node. I have been unable to integrate the subs for music only when I try with both. I can run Audysey and it did an amazing job for my HT but that doesn't do a thing for me as far as stereo. I have bought a UMIK1 and downloaded REW but know they aren't going to give me any way to correct anything. All of my interconnects are unbalanced (RCA) so not sure which unit I should get to help me along. I have looked into miniDSP but think it only has balanced in and outs. I'd like to keep cost as low as possible as wife is on warpath. What unit do I need to get? I get pretty lost in the forums sometimes sorting everything out so forgive me please for asking to shorten my time to get to my goal and going over things that have probably been addressed before. Much thanks!
From my viewpoint MC feels free to spew his waste output on anybody at will, as evidenced by many of his 7,100 posts in two years. But he did teach me one thing, I didn’t know Albert Einstein was an X-ray technician, no wonder he is so famous. I would feel no greater honor for 2021 than to be placed as number 19 on the hateful 18 list.


LOL I’m still laughing. With a base of 18, 19 is hard to get to...You did something quit extraordinary.. LOL I’m about to piss myself..

I guess I have the unique ability to read past the SHI$. Oh man..

I have just worked around all kinds of folks, MC just seems like a normal Joe to me.. He dose have his moments though.. The "Chile cook off" was pretty good too.. LOL

I have a short memory.... for the most part... Unless it’s malicious, I mean with INTENT. It’s just a lack of empathy.. BUT I assure you it’s all BS.

Here you go, I was scared to DEATH. I had to have an injection into my thyroid, and stents put in my heart. I wasn’t the mechanic all of the sudden.. I was dying.. I’d had 15 heart attacks and if they couldn’t get my thyroid calmed down, HUGE SURGERY...

MC cool as a cucumber, said. "Don’t worry buddy, your gonna be alright".

I didn’t know him from ADAM.. Yea he says CRAP.. Forget about it..

Almarg would not have carried a grudge.. NOR DOSE HE.

The spirit of Almarg is the spirit of Audiofiling...Ay? Share, have no regrets..

89 days in a 4’ x 4’ cage. Your not gonna teach me much about myself, I don’t already know... Cockroaches and rice are good... So are a lot of people... Never met a person I didn’t like... To one degree or another..
Somebody had to give me that bowl of rice, cockroaches, in all. I prayed every day, he'd come back, and he did, cockroaches in al... There is good EVEN in BAD... Pepper helps too..

Happy new year..

I don't have your exact setup, but I have had combo HT/2-channel systems set up in the past. I used an HT receiver for video switching, HT source processing, etc., and had my surround and center speakers powered by the HT receiver. This was connected to my 2-channel system via L&R pre-outs, into my integrated amp, which powered the front L&R speakers via an HT bypass on the integrated amp. Sound like exactly what you have.

Just remember, your 2-channel rig is completely independent of your HT system. The HT system does not even need to be turned on to enjoy 2-channel music played via your BlueSound Node 2 (or any other source connected directly yo your integrated amp). Get the 2-channel sound/config optimized first if 2-channel sound quality is a priority.

Once you have the 2-channel rig optimized, all you need to do is connect the 2 LFE pre-outs from the HT receiver into the each of the two Subs. Per REL, you can have LFE and either the lower level RCA input, or the Neutrik connection working at the same time. After you have everything connected, run the receiver's setup routine. It will know that you have the subs connected via the LFE ports. And it should see your L&R mains as "large" since they have the subs connected to fill in the bottom end, essentially making them "large" full range speakers. And if necessary, set the L&R speakers to large in your setup.

Lastly, remember, if you have the subs connected to the integrated amp per the Neutrik connections, as per RELS recommendation you should have good full range sound when playing only 2-channel audio (independent of the HT receiver). And when playing HT, you should have full range sound from the front L&R speakers (same as when playing 2-channel only) and you should also get the LFE effects coded to go to the LFE output of the HT receiver via it's digital audio processing.

It should all work just fine, after you get it set up correctly.
Not sure if you have the input you need.  If you want feel free to PM me.
First, please be specific about what love you are not feeling.   Is it too much bass? Too little?  Bad integration? What?  Dont leave us guessing (wrong)
Sub woofers have many complications, from phase alignment with the sats, to level setting and crossover point selection, to phase consistency BETWEEN them with two.  

In many ways two ought to be easier if they are co-located with the sats reducing the phase issue. One creates problems since it can be coherent at ONE location... because.... math.
Aside from the subjective input, have you characterized the system?
Anyway, LMK. I wont wade in unless you reach out.

@reubent My set up is exactly as you describe and in talking to REL and their literature that is all exactly as you describe as well. I think my issue has to be placement. If the subs sound fantastic in HT after I run Audyssey and they have been room corrected but not in 2 channel without correction it tells me the low freqs aren't arriving at my listening position at the optimal wave point. Does this make sense? I know 2 chan and HT aspect of it are independent of each other so it should be, as you said, that once I have the 2 chan right I can then hook up the RCAs and run Audyssey and be good to go. How difficult was it for you to get the crossover and gain levels dialed in? It's hard for me because I have to move something and run back and forth to my listening position. Thanks for all your help!
@dadork  - I did not have any issues when I set up a couple of different combo HT/2-channel systems years ago. I used an HT receiver and an integrated amp, in combo, just as you are trying to do. However, I was only using one sub, different model sub, and different room, of course.

My only suggestion is to forget completely about the HT side, until you have the subs sounding the way you want for 2-channel listening from your integrated amp. Once everything is good for 2-channel listening, move on the adding the .1LFE for HT, and then run your setup again.

For the 2-channel setup, you only have sub volume, crossover point, phase and location. I'm not an expert on sub placement or setup, so you might want to eliminate some confusion and start a new thread asking how to find the best setup for 2 subs in a 2-channel audio system. Don't mention anything about the added HT portion, as it will likely confuse some/many potential posters and send the thread down a rat-hole.

Again, once you have the 2-channel music system to your liking, you should just be able to run the setup routine on your HT receiver and all should be good.

Good Luck and Happy New Year.