Technics 1200 G a Forever Turntable?

I won my fantasy football league and have $4-5K burning a hole in my pocket.  I am considering a new turntable to replace my OG Technics 1200 M3D.  Is it possible to get one at this price point that can be the last one I'll ever want/need?  Looking at 1200G because of the familiarity, but is it better to get one with easier future tonearm changes.  I know audiophiles generally don't settle on anything forever, but I feel like a great turntable can do the job for years beyond most other equipment.  

All good info that I did not know since I am not a musician and don’t listen to classical music. I have never felt the need for, nor have I missed having a pitch control. Apparently, I’m not the only TT user who feels that way, otherwise Technics would not have bothered to produce the 1500C.

Pitch control on Technics is a great feature, a bonus. People like you might think it will harm something, but it’s not. You will find pitch control on all top class Japanese turntables (Denon, Victor .... ).

Also, if pitch control is that important, I’m left to wonder why it’s not a standard feature on all audiophile class turntables. In my musical world, pitch control is what Pete Townsend used to make sure his guitar hit his amp properly!

How many Direct Drive audiophile class turntables do you know, except for Technics today ?

Actually Technics made some great turntables without pitch control too (like my ex SP-10 mkII or SP-20 for example). My current reference Luxman PD-444 does not have a pitch control and I miss this option.

Anyway, Technics made 1500c not even in Japan, it’s cheaper simpler and affordable model. The pitch is on their Made in Japan $4k SL1200G (and on GAE too).

The 1500c looks nice, I just want to explain what is a pitch control and why it’s NOT only for DJs.

I don't feel pitch control "harms" anything. Apparently, "people like me"  have no need for it. I am happy that it is available for people like you.
Isn't the Technics 1500C a $1500.00 turntable?  How is it anywhere close to the SL1200G @$4000.00?  The 1500 C motor is not the same as the SL1200G motor, it is a much cheaper version and the tonearm certainly isn't made of magnesium.
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