What did your system look like 30 years ago?

As best as I can recall, this is what I had

Magnepan MG1.4 speakers; Rega Planar 3 turntable with a Linn K9 cartridge; CAL Icon CD player;  Adcom GTP500 II tuner/preamp; Adcom GFA545 amp

I still have my Zerostat which I bought in the 80's-
Like this in 1980 college dorm room


~4th revision to my first “good” system.

Hitachi sr-804 Class G receiver
philips 312 table probably an Ortofon cart of some sort back then. Maybe Audio Technica or Goldring.
Aiwa ad6550 cassette
Audio Control EQ
dbx 118
Discwasher and Zerostat
I think those speakers are my Ohm Ls that I refurbed a few years back and still use but could be my roommates larger Ohm C2s...not sure.

i remember my mirage m3si's!  lovely speaker unique big sound solid bass... 

and esl63's... still have em... two pair actually... forever speakers...(they have just been joined by many others LOL)
Goldmund Studio turntable with T3 tonearm (T3F I think)
Denon DL-103 cartridge
Audio Research SP-11 Preamp
Spectral CD Player (I think the SDR-1000 SL)
Cello Audio Palette
Krell MDA-300 monoblocks
Duntech Sovereign speakers
30 years ago I had one of those spinning things that hung over my crib.  It played nursey rhymes.  Sound quality was mediocre at best, but I enjoyed it.  Helped me sleep.