upgrade to the original birdland

Can anyone tell me which dac would be an upgrade to my Birdland odeon lite under 700$? I have meadowlark kestral 2 speakers and a cayin ta-30 integrated. Thanks for the input!
Does anybody have any suggestions? I would love to have the Benchmark but it seems to be just out of my pricerange!
Not sure what the rest of your system is or your requirements for sound improvement, but I found the Audio Mirror non-os DAC to be superior to others costing considerably more. I'm not familiar with your DAC which is why it might be helpful to understand what you are looking for in sound reproduction.
I am looking for honest reproduction of the music, not colored in anyway. I would like whatever player to have real bass reproduction and not searing highs.
Well a NON OS DAC maybe the ticket. I know you were complaining about the female singers in another thread being zippy. Do you have anything else you could hook up to the integrated to understand what's going on? Is your Toshiba just a digital transport or does it have analog outputs? If it does try it without the Dac. If it's still zippy it's not a Dac problem.