Raven Audio Nighthawk

I ordered mine today, but didn’t think to ask here first of anyone has had experience with one. I haven’t read anything negative about any of their products anywhere. 
We had someone recently with a Blackhawk delivered with bad tubes who wasn't happy. But then in spite of that he wound up buying one anyway, used, killer deal, and is quite happy now. I've been looking at a new integrated for about a year now and Raven is at the top of the list. In fact it pretty much is the list! 

The only other contender would be Decware, and I hear he is a good 6 months out. What's the expected wait time on your Nighthawk?
Trust me...you made a great selelction.  You will love it.  I owned the Raven Reflection MK2.  Great Customer service.  A phenomenal selection of tubes and sound quality is upper tier in that price point.  Plus you get a 45 day money back guarantee.  What's not to like.  
I have the Raven Blackhawk LE with Reference 3A MM de Capo i speakers and it is a perfect amp for those wonderful speakers. Exceptional build quality and the best sonics of any of probably 20 amps I've owned over the last several decades. Exceptional customer service, as well.