Does Age Matter?

Having read and contributed to several threads on the digital vs analog controversy I developed a nagging itch that suggested it is older people that prefer analog and younger people digital. If this is the case than there is most definitely a nostalgic element to that opinion. Perhaps we can answer that question. I will go first. Please do not ruminate on the differences. Age and preference, digital, analog or both! We'll tally the results at the end. 

I am 67 and like Both analog and digital.
My wife doesn't care at all about my hi-fi.  She shows zero attention to any new component.  She likes music a lot but is totally satisfied with her OEM car audio system and a small Sony sound bar when in the bathroom.  98% of the time that I am listening to my system she goes to another room to read a book.  So at least for me, I'll have to disagree with MC comment, above.  I wish that my wife would sit down and listen with me.  Oh well, I'll just keep enjoying my rig and spin vinyl to my hearts content.
Does age matter? Mostly not, as it is all about personal preference. But, age probably matters if you are old enough (say 60+) to have been thru at least 5 format changes (vinyl -  reel to reel - 8 track - cassette - CD's - MP3's & now streaming). How many times do you have to buy the album before you decide to draw a line in the sand? 
As many as it takes. Hi Res digital may be the last stop, at least for me.
Women? They don't like loud music and you can't teach em how to downshift. 
Post removed 
56 years old. 
60 percent cassette (maxell/Nakamichi)
30 percent LP
10 perrcent stream (spotify/Mixcloud/Dac)

It is a bit more work to clean the record and play it but oh so good!
Surprising how good a well recorded tape can sound thru a good machine. Love it!