Hooking up Vmps RM40s

In the back of my RM 40s are 4 sets of posts for the speaker wires, then below is another set? I have jumpers from the bottom to the bottom of the top 4. Where do I hook my speaker wires from my amp to? The highs aren't working maybe I just don't have them wired right? I miss my speakers. Help me please
Run your wires from your amp to the top (bass) posts, and run the jumpers from there to the bottom posts (mid/treble). I'm a VMPS owner/demonstrator. If this doesn't do it, you will need to call Brian Cheney at VMPS for more help.
Yes run them as above. I own VMPS speakers that require biamp for the record (FF3SRE W outboard crossover).
Hi Landscapes106,

Your description is a little cryptic.

The analog, onboard XO RM40 will have ONLY one pair of binding posts for the WOOFERS (which is the upper set) and one pair for the Mid/Tweets (which is the lower set)as mentioned by Dorkwad.

Your descriptions makes it sound like you have far more that 2 pair per speaker.

Is it possible you have RM40s that require an OXO (outboard Crossover)?

If so, that would normally have 3 pair of binding posts on the back of the speaker, and an OutBoard X-over box that will have the 2 pair of "ins" one woofers and one for Mids/Tweets, and the output of the box wil be three pairs of wires (Woofs, Mids, and Tweets)

Which RM40 do you have?

If your pair requires the OXO boxes, DO NOT hook them up direct to the back of the RM40's themselves as you could blow the tweeter.