How is Wadia with fast dynamic music ?

I listen mainly to classic rock and contemporary blues. Any other suggestions in the $2000 used catagory ? I want, probably the same as everyone else, good extension, warm mids with body, deep base, smooth highs and PRAT.

Thank You
Saki70, Also to be honest a Great approch at this would be Pick up the Audio mirror new version 16 bit non-oversample model, it kills all your hi end dac's it is about 1000.00 new, get a sweet transport and you still have tubes, it is very highly reviewed on all the sites as well, Audiogon, Audioreview..

And I was just giving an example that if you can smooth out heavy metal just about anything will play with little to no fatigue, I listen to tons of Classic rock, bright recordings like Bowie, sabbath and things that need some finesse.

I've owned all the Wadias you've listed.
A kps28c is better player.
Believe it or not, kps28c sounds more organic than those Wadia units.
Still, neither times, tho.

Metronome one box CD plalyer is slow and it rolls off at the frequency extremes.
Their two box DAC/transport, however, is a great set.

I'd worry about the service in case the unit falls apart as i am not sure of the current US distributor.
Misskuma, well you would have more insight I have only heard other krells, however I own upgraded Wadia's with the best analog components you can get, so is it better who knows?, but digital sounds as analog as a player gets with dynamic punch in my case with this player. I have little experiance with the Metronome but heard a real nice player from them, its cheap and worth a shot to at least give Saki70 a basis on what direction to go, I agree however on the repair issue's that could approch.
Beyond that I understand if the krell is your choice, however this thread is for 2000.00 used, not 4000.00. So pushing apples or oranges will be Saki70's choice here to extend the budget to double in order to pick up a krell of that cost. So I will agree on this, for 2000.00 you will get a lot more wadia player than krell at that point, okay with that?