What long term results? The Gate is so freaking good how anyone ever manages to disconnect it is beyond me. You went a couple DAYS? I couldn't go a couple MINUTES!
In my system The Gate is really just the beginning. There's Mats all over the place starting with one on the METER, a few in the panel, strips cut and zip tied along the AC wire, around my step down transformer, inside the conditioner, and speakers, with pieces cut into tubes wrapped around all the wires- speaker cables, interconnects, power cords.
The amp has Omega e-Cards between and around all the transformers. Total Contact, that stuff is pasted everywhere. Took my electrical panel apart. By apart I mean down to the bare copper bus bars. Pasted those, the neutral bus bar, ground bus bar, and the AC power line its entire length under the house. Coated all the transformers- step down, Active Shielding, conditioner. Pasted caps, inductors, tubes, pretty much everything that can be done without causing a short, inside pretty much everything there is. Tone arm, cartridge, phono leads, the works.
Long term effects? All this stuff (and more, but Fight Club rules) sounds absolutely fabulous right away, then somehow after a month or so you notice it just got even better. After a couple months though, sad to say, no more unless you buy more.
Worth it? The last group of audiophiles to drive up from Portland one of them had me play Steely Dan, which I guess must be one of his "reference" things he likes to judge systems with, and afterwards said, "That's the best ever heard that."
Since then, done even more. Those guys would be shocked to hear how much better it is now! So there's your long term results- sorry if I didn't stand still frozen in place after putting The Gate in but when you got something this good you just want more. And more. And more!