Clifford Brown, or Lee Morgan; I'll take Lee Morgan by a horses hair.
I;'m glad you're branching out Rok, "Hampton Hawes is one of the forces in "West Coast Jazz". (I always use "is" as opposed to "was")
All of "Hamp's" music had that hip cool West coast feel about it.
It's so very unfortunate that the West Coast I remember along with so many other places that I remember no longer exist; it was such a cool place to be; quite different from the Midwest or east. One of the things I remember that I'm sure hasn't changed is that "Golden Sunset"; it takes forever for the sun to set in LA, and everything turns a brilliant gold, and it stays that way for awhile. LA is not a city like Chicago or any other city, but a bunch of small towns. And there's nothing like riding across these small towns in a convertible at sunset on a clear day with the ocean breeze in the air seeing the sights. (pretty girls everywhere).
Just like the music, LA was cool.