My beloved McCormack DNA-1 red Protect light no longer fades out at startup.   It has worked well with my McIntosh MX-110 preamp for years!  Is it a possible fuse, or do I need to send it in for service?

Also the last I remember, Steve McCormack was in San Diego, CA and offered upgrades to these units.  Is this still available?

Appreciate any feedback,

 I would also try Steve first, but if you're on the east coast I think Conrad Johnson is servicing theses...
 Thanks for jinxing me!

 now I will be nervous until it happens., when it happens I’m blaming you!
@arcticdeth — Blame me if you must, but it already happened to my DNA 0.5 Rev A (still sadly sitting dead in my basement), so trust me when I say it’s better to know before your amp just up and dies one day than to hold out hope that you can somehow easily revive your beloved patient only to then learn the grim and final truth. Use this info to live every day with your amp like it’s your last, and keep Steve on speed dial in case you decide to let him give your amp the Frankenstein treatment when that day comes. Tick tock...