Does Age Matter?

Having read and contributed to several threads on the digital vs analog controversy I developed a nagging itch that suggested it is older people that prefer analog and younger people digital. If this is the case than there is most definitely a nostalgic element to that opinion. Perhaps we can answer that question. I will go first. Please do not ruminate on the differences. Age and preference, digital, analog or both! We'll tally the results at the end. 

I am 67 and like Both analog and digital.
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this oldster prefers digital by a longshot, but can handle phonographic reproduction assisted by CEDAR declicking/decrackling. 
I think if your records are that bad that you need to decrackle them then you'd best stick to digital.:-)
65 and not into streaming, nor Facebook nor Twitter for that matter.  Still buying both CD's and LP's, and the size of my collection is NOYDB!
With all due respect, this survey will not provide any legitimate insight into your hypothesis.  As some other readers have already pointed out, there are a litany of uncontrolled variables, your sample population is not at all representative of the total population, and so on.

I realize that this is an informal attempt to satisfy your curiosity; however, it is an exercise in confirmation bias, that is going to provide you will with an inaccurate result and the perception/belief that there it holds some degree of credence.

In short, of course age matters... but it matters for a litany of reasons and nostalgia is only one of them.